Scarlett Johansson said she values ​​the similarities between her character and Elita-I in the latest film, Star Wars: Episode I – The Last Jedi. Transformers One. The Oscar-nominated actress Autobots In her role.
The role was a perfect fit for Johansson after director Josh Cooley contacted her personally and said he could hear her voice in the role.
“It was a surprise to me,” she said. “It was such a great script. It had so many cinematic elements. There’s so much heart in this movie. It has such a great message and it’s so funny.”
Johansson said voice acting, especially the action-packed scenes, is just as physically demanding as any other action movie role, and compared the experience to her 10-year stint as Black Widow in the Avengers series, which was also physically demanding.
“You’re squatting, you’re punching, you’re running in place. It’s really physical, but it really brings the action to life,” she said.
When asked if she saw any similarities between herself and Elita-1, Johansson smiled.
“She’s very driven, she has a healthy ambition, she believes in her abilities, she has all the qualities you need in a leader,” she said, “She’s a bit of a control freak, but I’m not sure I know that.”
“Transformers 1” will be distributed by Paramount Pictures, a subsidiary of CBS parent company Paramount Global, and will be released in theaters on Friday.