The American Cancer Society’s annual trends report has been released, and the results are mixed. Deaths from cancer are decreasing, but cases in certain groups are increasing.
Jamil Rivers, a mother of two from south Jersey, was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer at age 39.
“When I heard those words, my youngest son was in kindergarten at the time, so cancer was devastating,” Rivers said.
She is part of a growing trend of young people being diagnosed with cancer.
“The only age group where we actually see increased cancer risk and increased cancer incidence is under 50,” said Dr. William L. Dahut, chief scientific officer of the American Cancer Society.
According to the American Cancer Society’s annual report, there are also changes in the gender of cancer patients.
“For the first time, we found that women under 65 are more likely to develop cancer than men,” Dahut said.
The report also says cancer and death rates continue to be higher for Native Americans and Black Americans.
“I think our health care system is rife with disparities and inequities,” Rivers said.
A new report says that although mortality rates have continued to fall by 34% over the past 30 years, more than 500,000 people are still expected to die from cancer this year.
“The number of deaths from cancer is actually equivalent to losing two medium-sized cities in this country,” Dahut said.
Doctors say staying healthy is the best way to prevent cancer, along with getting recommended tests.
“Cancer has given me clarity and made me appreciate everything more, not just life, but quality of life,” Rivers said.
Rivers said she is learning to live with metastatic cancer and is starting a nonprofit organization to support other women and advocate for greater equity.