Unless there are last minute changes, TikTok will be banned Sunday, January 19th, President Biden signed bill Last spring, it called for the sale or ban of Chinese-owned apps for national security reasons. Supreme Court Oral Argument In the case, one of the social media app’s lawyers told a judge on Friday that the app could “go dark” shortly after it takes effect.
In countries where the app is banned, such as India, users will not be able to download the app, or the content will not load if it is already downloaded.
But some experts say TikTok will become increasingly difficult to use over time because updates will stop once it is removed from the U.S. App Store or Google Play.
It’s still unclear what the app will look like on the 19th, but some users are downloading videos, likes, comments, and other information in case they lose all access.
How to request TikTok data on desktop before banning
Please note that it may take several days to receive the information.
Open your web browser and visit the TikTok website. Log in to your account by clicking the login button in the top right corner. Once logged in, toggle your profile picture in the top right corner. Click (Settings). (Manage your account), under the (Data) heading, click Download data. On the “Download TikTok Data” page, you can select the information you request. Choose what you want, such as all your data or just your profile and posts, and choose the file format you want. Click Request Data. You may be asked to verify your account.
Then, once TikTok fulfills your request, you have four days to download your data.
When your data is ready, return to the Download TikTok Data page and click Download on the Download Data tab. The file will be downloaded as a zip file.
Here’s how to view posts from a text file:
Click on the zip file you downloaded to your device Click on the folder titled “Tiktok” Click on the post Open the text file Copy the link (does not go to the app) Paste it into your web browser watch video
Some notes:
The data transmitted is not necessarily comprehensive. TikTok says it will not send data that “impacts the privacy of others.”
Saved videos will be downloaded as TikTok links instead of downloadable videos.
If you don’t receive all posts, try manually downloading them one at a time.
Technical security and privacy