Get ready for a Meteor Shower double header.
The Southern Delta Aquarius meteor shower reaches its peak in late July. And this year, it will coincide with the second smallest meteor shower, the Alpha Capricornis meteor shower.
The Delta Aquarius star cluster occurs every year at the end of the North American summer. The peak of this year’s activity will occur early Tuesday morning, with 15 to 20 meteors per hour expected to be visible under dark skies in the Northern Hemisphere. It should look even better in the southern hemisphere. The rain will continue until August 21, according to the American Meteor Society.
Capturing a fireball meteor lighting up Colorado’s early morning sky
Around the same time, the Alpha Capricornid meteor shower produces about 5 meteors per hour and will continue until August 15th.
A Perseid meteor passes over desert pine trees on August 13, 2015, in Spring Mountains National Recreation Area, Nevada. This year, the southern Delta Aquarids meteor shower, which peaks in late July, will coincide with the smaller Alpha Capricornis meteor shower. The next major meteor shower is the Perseids, which peaks in mid-August. (Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
Here’s what you need to know about Delta Aquarius and other meteor showers.
What is a meteor shower?
Meteor showers occur multiple times each year, and you don’t need special equipment to observe them.
Most meteor showers begin with comet debris. The origin of Delta Aquarius is thought to be comet 96P/Machholtz. Alpha Capricornis was born from comet 169P/NEAT.
When rocks from space enter Earth’s atmosphere, they become extremely hot due to the resistance from the air. This causes the air around them to glow, leaving behind them for a moment the end of a fiery tail, or “shooting star.”
Pockets of glowing air around fast-moving space rocks, ranging in size from dust particles to rocks, may be visible in the night sky.
Don Polacco, an astronomer at the University of Warwick, said that while these two meteor showers are not very abundant, Alpha Capricornis often produces very bright meteors.
For skygazers, “one bright thing is worth 20 dark things,” he said.
How can I see the meteor shower?
Meteor showers are usually best visible between midnight and before dawn.
Shooting stars are easier to see under dark skies away from city lights. Meteor showers also appear brightest on cloudless nights when the moon’s eclipse is smallest.
Also, your eyes will be better adapted to seeing meteors if you aren’t checking your phone. “Night vision is impaired,” said NASA’s Bill Cook.
The Delta Aquarius stars are best seen in the Southern Hemisphere. Coinciding with the waning moon, which is about 30% full, it will be most clearly visible after midnight.
When is the next meteor shower?
The Meteor Association maintains an up-to-date list of upcoming large-scale meteor showers, including peak observation days and moonlight conditions.
The next major meteor shower is the Perseids, which peaks in mid-August.